Leaders Born or Made???


This question is just like the question such as which came first the chicken or the egg? There is a never ending argument which started back very long ago but still has not got a simple solution. But lets try and get a solution to this one today.

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it” – Dwight D.Eisenhower 

After Considering both the approaches we may get an answer for it. I am sure people will surely say that in today’s modern world Leaders are made but very few would agree that even today many leaders are our leaders because of the personality traits they are born with and slowly they have developed those and reached heights.

Leaders are born : The theories such as the Great man theory and the Trait theory were first developed in 1840’s where it put forth the concept where people inherit certain traits which make them better suited for leadership. There are certain inborn characteristics which make them leader in the field. It is often said that there is a big difference in Learning a Skill and Mastering one which an individual already possess.  The time when these theories were made were mainly governed by kings and royal families which till today hold a space in the economy such as the UK and many more countries.

david guerra

Leaders are Made : The Criticism to the trait theory was seen where many researchers and Behavioral Theories believe that people can become leaders through the process of teaching, learning and observation. According to the Behavioral Theories leadership is a set of skills which can be learnt by teaching, practice and experience. But the question still remains that can Charisma, honesty, integrity and the ability to inspire people be taught?

So in my views Leadership is a mixture of all the traits which are developed over a period of time and are made to influence not only the masses but also inspire the world to be a better place to live in.

Thatcherism: A Classic Example of such a Leader whose traits with which she was born with and all the experiences she learnt from her life in international politics as well as her personal life. She has been a inspiration for many individuals all around the globe. The first ever women to hold the Office of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who led the country in the hardest times and was a exceptional transformation leader. Mrs. Margaret Thatcher is still alive in many hearts of the people of UK even today. A grocer’s daughter who is today referred to as the Iron lady. She faced many obstacles from the very starting but the obstacles did not ever were enough to break the courage that she would show and become the party president and then winning elections and be the Prime Minister for almost 12 long years.

Image Courtesy:- quotlr

The Virgin Case : One of the Important aspect of being a responsible leader is accepting defeats and that is one thing many leaders who we look up as inspiration sometimes don’t prefer but one such leader named Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group whose brand have produced a string of business hits across many different sectors which include entertainment, travel, health and financial services, music and telecommunication did have some misses and he accepts it with complete humility and also says and he has always stood by the companies motto of “Screw it, lets do it” as he proclaims. But with every wrong decision such as Virgin Cola or even with Virgin Bride, Richard Branson did own up to the wrong decisions that and accepted defeat with utmost respect.


For the leaders of the present there are many challenges which they tend to ignore which surely lead them to either fade away with time or just end being an unethical leader.  Issues such as cynicism, Goal obsession, Making excuses, claiming Credit, Driven by fear and clinging to the past.

In Leadership there are many situations which gives a birth to a leader and sometimes it is a Choice where the person comes forward to take the challenge. Surely I agree everyone want to be a leader but not everyone can be a great leader its just as the same logic that not everyone can be an Actor. Leadership varies with experience, maturity, followers and situation. Therefor a Leader is Born, developed and grown through life experiences.

Do you have any views on it?? would like to hear it from you.GettyImages-185002046-5772f4153df78cb62ce1ad69



Margaret Thatcher- from grocer’s daughter to Iron lady, iWonder, BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/timelines/zqp7tyc

Gwyn Topham, Sir Richard Branson’s Setbacks, 2014, Business, The Guardian.https://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/oct/06/sir-richard-branson-failures-vigin-cola-brides

Amanda Williams, Great leaders are born, not made, Dailymail. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2307900/Natural-leaders-Study-claims-proof-commanding-figures-Churchill-born-great.html

Ronald E. Riggo, Leaders Born or made?,psychology today.https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/200903/leaders-born-or-made.







Published by shettyrahul

24, Wanderer, Talkative, Fun loving and Crazy at times, Mumbai , India

17 thoughts on “Leaders Born or Made???

  1. Well done rahul.. nice blog post.. interesting article and well written. i love how you put the images on your blog. It would be useful for me to use as a case study in the future. Keep up your nice work & looking forward to read more blogs!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You have written amazing information in your blogs. Where did you get this type of information please give me some tips which can improve my knowledge also. Your blog is very informative and knowledgeable for many people. I admit you are responsible and capable person. Again I ask you a question how did you associate chick and egg with born and made leader. So Where do you get these ideas. 👍

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